January 11, 2025
16+ People Share the Most Unexplainable and Terrifying Experiences They’ve Ever Had

16+ People Share the Most Unexplainable and Terrifying Experiences They’ve Ever Had

Life is full of mysteries, but sometimes we stumble upon experiences that feel downright otherworldly. These are the moments that send shivers down our spines and leave us questioning everything we thought we knew about the world.

From eerie encounters with shadowy figures to unexplainable noises in the night, people took to Reddit to share the most terrifying and baffling experiences they’ve ever had. These stories range from chilling to downright bizarre, and each one will have you sleeping with the lights on. You won’t believe these spine-tingling tales!

Ethereal Summit

U/Yugan-Dali: “The night before my birthday in 1996, I dreamed that I was walking around near the peak of Everest. It was snowing hard, but I was quite comfortable. There was a tent. To announce my presence, I sang Goober Peas. The two men inside were frightened, and I tried to calm and cheer them. I stayed with them a while and comforted them.

A few years later, I read about the Everest disaster in which mountaineers had to pitch a tent too high on Everest and died there, the night before my birthday in 1996. I can’t explain it, but I hope I comforted them.”

Unseen Phenomena

U/BigAmbassador22: “Seeing 3 big bright circular lights above me randomly turn off while driving on a busy highway in NJ (287). I’ve driven a lot and seen a lot of planes at night go through clouds…

that was the only experience I’ve had where I felt (and still feel) unsettled because the way they randomly turned off wasn’t explained by cloud coverage or any other physical obstruction. To this day, I can’t explain it without going down a major rabbit hole…”

Shadow Runner

U/GorganzolaVsKong: “We were playing team tag at night back in middle school – a friend and I were hiding near a bush around a tree. Suddenly something in the bush moved and we assumed it was an animal.

We threw a stick into the bush and it came flying back out and a dark figure about 4 feet tall ran across the field into the woods. We freaked out and ran back to our house about a 1/2 mile away”

Whispered Presence

U/LisaBMaid101: “One of the creepiest things I ever experienced was late at night when I heard faint whispers coming from an empty room. It felt like someone was standing right behind me, breathing down my neck.

I turned around, and there was absolutely no one there. The air felt heavy, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wasn’t alone. To this day, I have no idea what it was, and it still gives me chills just thinking about it!”

Echoed Footsteps

U/dirtybirdsriseup: “I lived briefly in a rental home, which was owned by a church in a small Florida town, and which was built in 1908. Every night around 8 o’clock, I heard dragging, shuffling footsteps coming from the kitchen.

If I walked into the kitchen, they would stop, and if I turned my head to look into the kitchen from the den, they would pause and continue the very moment I looked away again. This lasted for 5 minutes or so each and every night.”

Shadowed Visitor

U/Flshstick: “It was one of the first times I had been left home alone with no one else in it besides my dog. We were in my room lying in my bed, and then my dog lifted her head and faced my door. I was confused at first until I heard light footsteps from the den.

I then got up to look under my door and when I did I saw a shadow pass by my door. I couldn’t see above the floor but knew that there was definitely the shadow and my dog also noticed the presence. I still have no idea what it was.”

Unseen Guest

U/overtimeoroverit: “The first night I slept in my current apartment, as I was falling asleep, a cold, clear woman’s voice said ‘Hey Liam’ (my name) and I was wide awake the rest of the night. Weird but could be explained by sleepiness.

A few months later, I was awake on my phone around 2 or 3am with no sound and no tv on and my bedroom door was cracked open. I clearly heard heavy footsteps walk up to my door, stop and when I turned to look they continued down the hallway into my kitchen. I froze for what felt like about five minutes just listening for movement, then finally got up and went to check the apartment. No one there. Eerie. A lot more has happened but those are the two things that stick out the most.”

Static Whisper

U/halfcrazyhalffunny: “One time, I was on the couch watching TV when it suddenly went static for no reason. It had never happened before, and I got such a bad feeling that I grabbed my phone to call someone. The moment I pressed the call button, my phone froze and wouldn’t work.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard a voice whisper in my ear. After a few minutes, the TV came back on, and at the same moment, my phone started working again. I was home alone and to this day I have no explanation for what happened”

Terrifying Chase

U/Prior_Equipment: “My partner and I had some guy decide he was going to try to intentionally ram our car in a parking lot. We thankfully escaped unharmed after a terrifying chase, but we never figured out why he zeroed in on us.

We were just minding our own business, trying to leave the lot. We still occasionally rehash it years later but it makes no sense at all.”

Unseen Force

U/DependentStrength7: “I was always a skeptic but I genuinely can’t explain the things that happened in my parent’s home. I think the craziest one was one night me and my dad were watching tv in his room, with the remote sitting on top of the tv converter box when suddenly the remote flies to the other side of the room (easily 10 feet away,

it did NOT fall on its own) and the tv switched to just static. No AC blowing, no window open, the converter box wasn’t moved at all. I really don’t know what it could’ve been!”

Concordia Call

U/USFederalGovt: “I was watching a video on the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster that happened back in like 2012. IIRC, around 30+ people died during the incident.

I get a phone call on a landline phone, listed as ‘K. Concordia’. I pick it up and say hello, and I hear a woman gasp and then the phone call ends. Thought nothing of it the day it happened, but I later realized how unnerving it was.”

Distorted End

U/outtakes: “I called my brother and said hi. A voice answered saying hi, and continued a conversation we had just been having in person. I recognised the voice. It was mine. I said something like wtf, and it responded asking what.

Without thinking I quickly hung up and called my brother’s number again. I asked him wtf just happened and he said he didn’t know. He’d answered the call but it was just static from his end”

Haunted Bag

U/cheshire_kat7: “Once, while I was working in a building reputed to be haunted, I saw my handbag slide along the floor by itself. The floor wasn’t on any kind of slant, and my bag was full of stuff, so it was pretty heavy.

I didn’t know quite how to react (my brain was kind of BSODing while trying to process what I’d seen) – so I just went ‘Huh…’ and walked to the break room to make a cup of tea.”

The Jersey Devil

U/Madmaxneo: “Yes, when I was about 10 years old my family and I were in the dining room and I heard someone out side so I looked out the window where just below and back a little were the trash cans. There was something standing there and it turned to look at me and I swear it was definitely not human and resembled what people describe as the Jersey devil.

It creeped me out enough that I screamed. My brother and my step dad checked then went outside and found nothing. Everyone thought I just saw my own reflection. I still remember to this day what I saw and that was over 40 years ago. Yes, this was in New Jersey.”

Wake Up Poke

U/Winter-Detective-675: “So after my mom died I was sleeping and having a bad dream, this was 12 years ago, I don’t remember about what anymore just slightly remember it was a nightmare.

And she woke me up by poking me in the shoulder. I could absolutely feel her poke me. Not like a playful poke. A full on WAKE UP poke. 🤷🏼‍♀️”

Mysterious Chime

U/SufficientLock5448: “A friend of mine got married and went to the USA for her honeymoon. She brought me a little gift: a little bell, a tiny copy of the liberty bell.

I put it on a shelf and one night the little bell rang, there was nobody in the house except for me and my partner who was in bed with me. I can’t explain how this could happen. I still have no clue. However it didn’t happen again.”

Vanished Games

U/YoungDMoves: “Literally out of nowhere when I was a kid my copy of Lego Batman for the PS3 disappeared into thin air. I thought my brother for some reason let his friend play it but apparently his copy of modern warfare 3 vanished too.

This sounds silly but literally no one to this day in my family knows what happens to either copy.”

Orb of Light

U/Occupiedlock: “I was talking to my roommate while her bf was on the balcony smoking. my back was to the tv. mid sentence she stopped talking and began to stammer. I thought she was having a stroke at first. she pointed behind me and I turned. an orb of blueish white energy was rising above the tv(she says it was goldish white).

I stared at it for maybe 3 seconds before it erupted in a bunch of lines tracing along my living room wall. me and her ran out of our apartment with haste. her boyfriend was still on the balcony and we were trying to tell him to jump or climb down. he refused and walked into the living room and said nothing was wrong. I still have no idea what happened.”

Eerie Melody

U/Special-Revolution49: “A few years ago I was living with my parents still and in the middle of the night I heard music coming from the back garden. It sounded like a tune that would come from a kids toy or something (there were no kids living with or around us). I went out and had a look around but couldn’t work out where it was coming from and I felt unsafe out there. Asked everyone else in the house in the morning and they hadn’t heard it.

Fast forward a couple of years and I’d moved twice and am now living in a different town. Woke up in the middle of the night to the same music. Didn’t bother going out again to check but still remember the tune. Maybe not that scary but definitely creeped me out.”

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